The Basics

Storing Local Fixin's

The ingredients in your jar will keep best in a cool, dry place.  If you plan to keep the jar for over a couple months, place it in your refrigerator to keep the ingredients as fresh and flavorful as possible.  Your Local Fixin's will be best if consumed within 6 months.

Soaking Beans & Grains

Why soak your beans & grains?  For a variety of reasons:
  • Cuts down on cooking time
  • Makes ingredients easier to digest (especially important for beans)
  • Allows your body to more easily absorb the nutrients found in these ingredients
There are a number of soaking methods.  The method suggested on your Local Fixin's jar is simple:  Pour the beans & grains into a bowl (preferably glass), cover with 3 jars full of water (about 6 cups), and let sit on your kitchen counter.  If your kitchen happens to be extremely warm, place the bowl in the fridge.  You can soak your beans & grains for as little as an hour, or as long as 24 hours.  

Cooking your Local Fixin's

Again, there are a variety of cooking methods when it comes to grains & beans.  If you have a slow cooker, that can be an easy way to gradually cook your ingredients all day long!  The method that I recommend is one that I think is simple:  Put all of the jar contents into a pot of 3.5-4 cups water/broth (broth will add flavor).  Bring to a boil, and then let simmer for about 1 1/2 hours.  The cooking time might be slightly longer or shorter for you, so be sure to taste test along the way!


The great thing about grains & beans is that they pretty much go with anything!  In the mood for a light salad?  Let your Local Fixin's chill, and serve over greens with fresh veggies and your favorite salad dressing.  Looking for a spicy twist to a typical breakfast?  Serve Local Fixin's alongside scrambled eggs with cheese, and stir some salsa or fresh tomatoes into the mix.  In a rush?  Put a scoop of Local Fixin's, chopped veggies/fruit (dried or fresh!), and a scoop of hummus into a jar (heck, re-use your Local Fixin's jar!) and enjoy on the road or at the office.  Love some free range chicken or grass-fed meat?  Add it!  Strict vegetarian?  Add tofu or enjoy the protein in the grains & beans!  For more recipe ideas, check out our Recipe page.